Family Programs

After Hours Assistance: 800-226-0360
Florida National Guard Family Program
The Florida National Guard Family Program staff consists of a trained network of military members, civilian employees and volunteers working as a team in support of military Families. The Florida National Guard Family Program consists of components defined below.
Soldier and Family Readiness Specialists (SFRS)
Assistance: The SFRS team provides information and referral services regarding benefits and entitlements to Service Members and their Families. Soldier and Family Assistance Centers are geographically disbursed throughout the state to assist Service Members and their Families with necessary services. Services include but are not limited to: Tricare information, legal referral, financial assistance, DEERS/ID cards, crisis intervention, community resources, and the exceptional family member program.
Readiness: SFRS support Commanders and their Soldier and Family Readiness Groups (SFRGs) by providing hands-on training, assisting in Family Communication Campaigns, such as: unit newsletters, websites, and phone trees. SFRS assist in providing informational briefings, as well as, promoting resilience, well-being and readiness throughout the Deployment Cycle.
For more info, contact Family Assistance at (800) 226-0360 or your area SFRS.
FLNG Family Programs FB Page:
Child and Youth Program
The Child and Youth Program supports the social, emotional and academic needs of military children and youth. It encourages the development of positive self-esteem, self-confidence, respect for self and others, team skills, and leadership abilities. This is accomplished through various online and in person trainings, local events, day camps, overnight camps, and the FL Youth Council.
For more info, contact Child and Youth Program Coordinators at (904) 599-5472 or (904) 814-1866.
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FLNG CYP Instagram: @flngyouthprogram