Command Sergeant Major
Robert F. Sweat

Command Senior Enlisted Leader, Florida National Guard


Command Sergeant Major Sweat’s military service began in August 1991 when he enlisted in the United States Air Force Reserves and was assigned to the 919th Special Operations Squadron. In March of 1994 he enlisted in the Florida Army National Guard, where he has served with Company D, 3rd Battalion,124th Infantry Regiment; 417th Signal Battalion; 269th Engineer Company, 927th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion; 83rd Troop Command; 53rd Brigade Support Battalion; 50th Regional Support Group and Florida National Guard Joint Forces Headquarters.

Command Sergeant Major Sweat’s duty and leadership positions include Antitank Crewman, Unit Armorer, Supply Sergeant, Battalion Supply Sergeant, Detachment Sergeant, Battalion Operations Sergeant, First Sergeant, Brigade Senior Logistics Sergeant, Brigade Operations Sergeant Major, Battalion Command Sergeant Major, Brigade Command Sergeant Major, State G3 Sergeant Major, Director of Executive Services and Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Deputy Commanding General, Florida Army National Guard.  His operational deployments include Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 and in 2007. His most recent deployment was in 2021 to Poland in support of the European Deterrence Initiative. 

Command Sergeant Major Sweat’s civilian education includes an Associate’s Degree in General Studies from Vincennes University, Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts and Master’s Degree in Management from Excelsior University. He is a graduate of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Non-Resident Course (Class 37).

His awards and decorations include Bronze Star (2nd Award), Meritorious Service Medal (5th Award), Army Commendation Medal (3rd Award), Army Achievement Medal (3rd Award), Air Force Achievement Medal, Florida Distinguished Service Medal (2nd Award), Florida Commendation Medal, Florida Service Medal and Florida Service Ribbon.