Major General John D. Haas
The Adjutant General of Florida
Major General John Haas is The Adjutant General of Florida. As the Adjutant General, he is the senior military advisor to the Governor, responsible for the overall management, readiness and mobilization of both U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force elements of the Florida National Guard. Full Bio
Command Sergeant Major Robert F. Sweat
Command Senior Enlisted Leader, Florida National Guard
Command Sergeant Major Sweat’s military service began in August 1991 when he enlisted in the United States Air Force Reserves and was assigned to the 919th Special Operations Squadron. Full Bio
Major General Robert G. Carruthers III
Assistant Adjutant General – Army and Commander, Florida Army National Guard
Major General Robert Carruthers serves as the Assistant Adjutant General – Army and as the Commander, Florida Army National Guard. As the Commander of the Florida Army National Guard, Major General Carruthers is responsible for the readiness of more than 10,000 Soldiers and guides the formulation, development, and implementation of all programs and policies affecting the Florida Army National Guard.
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Command Sergeant Major Jasen A. Pask
State Command Sergeant Major, Florida Army National Guard
Command Sergeant Major Jasen Pask serves as the State Command Sergeant Major of the Florida Army National Guard. As the state's Command Sergeant Major, Pask is responsible for the welfare of all enlisted Soldiers. He advises the Commander of the Florida Army National Guard on all enlisted-related matters, particularly in areas affecting training, readiness, and quality of life. Full Bio
Brigadier General William E. Temple
Deputy Commander, Florida Army National Guard
Brigadier General William Temple serves as the Deputy Commanding General, Florida Army National Guard. He is also dual-hatted as the Commander, Joint Task Force – Florida when the Florida National Guard is activated for disaster response. He is responsible for managing the budgets and resources for all major programs in the Florida Army National Guard, and oversees the development and coordination of all policies, plans and programs of the Florida Army National Guard. Full Bio
Colonel Christopher R. Buckley
Chief of Staff, Florida Army National Guard
Colonel Christopher Buckley is currently the Chief of Staff for the Florida Army National Guard. Colonel Buckley earned his commission from the Florida OCS program in 2000 after a four-year tour as an Enlisted Soldier on Active Duty. Full Bio
Brigadier General Richard L. Coffey III
Assistant Adjutant General – Air and Commander, Florida Air National Guard
Brigadier General Richard Coffey serves as the Assistant Adjutant General – Air and as Commander, Florida Air National Guard. He is responsible to the Adjutant General for direction of Air National Guard operations, formulating, developing and coordinating all programs, policies and plans to ensure the readiness of the Florida Air National Guard. Full Bio
Command Chief Master Sergeant Angella M. Beckom
State Command Chief Master Sergeant, Florida Air National Guard
Command Chief Master Sergeant Angella Beckom serves as the State Command Chief Master Sergeant for the Florida Air National Guard. As the State Command Chief Master Sergeant, Beckom is responsible for the welfare and morale of all enlisted Citizen Airmen. She advises the Florida Air National Guard commander on all enlisted-related matters of mission effectiveness, professional development, military readiness and training. Full Bio
Brigadier General Matthew J. French
Chief of Staff, Florida Air National Guard
Brigadier General Matthew French serves as the Chief of Staff for the Florida Air National Guard. He assists the Assistant Adjutant General – Air in formulating, developing, and coordinating all programs, policies and plans to ensure the mission readiness of the Florida Air National Guard. Full Bio
Colonel Deborah A. Garrett
Director of Staff - Air, Florida Air National Guard
Colonel Deborah Garrett serves as the Director of Staff – Air for the Florida Air National Guard. She serves as the primary advisor to the Florida Air National Guard commander regarding the oversight and support of the nearly 2,000 Airmen across the state. Garrett directs and implements higher headquarters policies and guidance. Full Bio